江の島から小田原へ向かう湘南海岸では,富士山が浮かんでいました (May 4th).
小原 拓・春香・ゆい・すず+佳純+河野x2 (May 3rd)
学内で見かけた写真を真似して,R2棟からの桜を撮影(April 13th).
気を取り直して,Picnic再挑戦.この日は,朝から快晴でした.Priyanaの顔が,隠れてしまった(April 10th).
遅い桜がようやく咲き始めたと思ったら,午前中にひどい雨が降り桜がたくさん散ってしまいました.お花見は中止です(April 9th).
京大での耐震杭実験中に,外でお弁当を食べました(April 6th).
3月末の卒業式に続き,入学式も雨となりました(April 3rd).
新しい建築系製図室で,卒業生7名・江崎夫妻・河野にて卒業記念の撮影をしました.皆さん,卒業おめでとう (March 26th).
Dr. Delzoppo (U. of Naples Federico II, Italy) and Dr. Buddika (U. of University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka) visited us (March 19th).
Dr. Deger and Dr. Sutcu at Istanbul Tech. U., Turkey (March 11th).
Early morning in the Istanbul old town, Turkey.
The fresh fruit tart looked fantastic in the beginning. After cutting it into eight pieces, it looked like they were bombed.
Sota made Okonomiyaki and Chomen lunch. They were quite good!!!
We had February lunch (Feb. 27th).
Ravi Singh (Fujita Corporation) finished his final exam and got his Ph. D. The photo was taken with Dr. Nam (Feb. 6th).
We had snow in Yokohama (Feb. 5th).
Prof. Marina Moretti (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) and Prof. David Mukai (U. of Wyoming, USA) spent three days with our students (Jan. 9 – 11).
Ravi Singh took his final defense, which his friends and colleagues joined (Jan. 5th).


Viewing Mt. Fuji with Five Lakes?